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Project 5 - Process
PROJECT 5 PROCESS I wanted to combine project 4 and 5 into the same project. After completing project 4 (the handmade book), I wanted to push the boundaries of what a book really is. At it's core, a book is a 2 dimensional (the pages and words) and 3 dimensional (the book's form itself) way of storytelling. What if I stripped away the 3 dimensional aspect of the book and told a story through only an image. But don't all images tell stories? Yes and no. Some images are just pretty to look at, but I wanted to tell a narrative through 1 image alone. In Project 4 I wanted to also convey the meaning of the passage of time. In Project 5 my goal is to freeze a specific moment in my character's life and tell the story of what's going on in their life through a series miniature photographs showcased in the window of the motel. The motel windows signify how we're only getting a glimpse of the moment (not the full picture, both literally and metaphorically) ...
Project 1 - Process
PROJECT 1 A vintage Polaroid camera that's been made into a ghost capture & downloading device. Simply take a picture of an object the ghost attached itself to to capture it on Polaroid film. The metering and detecting devices on the camera will find the ghost for you. Once the image has developed, scan the QR code at the bottom of the Polaroid to upload the ghost to your mobile device. Now you have a perma-friend who is eternally stuck with you.
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